Thursday, February 19, 2009

web 2.0, library 2.0 and the future of libraries

I feel Rick Anderson makes a good projection in his article "Away From the Iceberg" where he states "If the profession is a boat, then I think we’re all rowing pretty heroically. But I’m not sure we’re paying enough attention to the potential disasters that lie in our current path". Personally I see this from time to time here at JPL in regards to our new developments in say, Overdrive or Database usage. These resources are great but sometimes I find they are intimidating to patrons. I feel with time, though, we can create new ways to teach access to these things.
Micheal Stephens article discusses the importance of making developments in libraries user-centered. This can be done, he says through open forums, ect..
This type of dialogue with the community can be achieved through more advertisement of advisory committees and communication with patrons.
I was at Magnet Mania a few weeks ago and have not done much high volume outreach. I was surprised to find that very few people were aware of Ride to Read and Overdrive but were very interested. Whenever it is possible, it's always good to mention these programs because they are pretty cool.


Technorati is pretty helpful if you want to blog to a wide audiance.
I didn't register my JPL blog but I have registered another blog in the past. I found all three search methods provided different results but found them all to produce relevant searches. I searched popular blogs and was surprised to see Jennifer Garner is the number 4 search today....right between the environment and men.


I like delicious because resources are all "tagged" in a way that you can view what is most widely read easily and access users comments easily too. You are also able to share resources with others. I feel like it's like shopping in a resource mall or something and much easier then just using a search engine.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I started an account with librarything and choose some books. I have been a member of a site called goodreads for a few months now and its basically the same thing although i think more of a networking site as well. Either way they are cool and fun to share what you are reading with your buds.

Library related blogs and newsfeeds and technorati were on point. Yeah I would use these to find blogs if I was looking for certain subjects. I tend to find blogs linked from other blogs as their blogroll. MMM makes me want to go get some sushi.

popgoesthelibrary and librarianbyday

I didn't really like feedster.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I played around with the Flickr montager. I used the image of a Jack Russell. The montage looks pretty cool. I think this tool would be interesting to use with family photos and even could be used to make some pretty strange wrapping paper or stationary or something.


This is a picture of the Chicago skyline. After I finished college I moved up here for a couple of years and mostly spent time playing music and working at restaurants. I worked at the busiest Bennigans in the world on Michigan Avenue across from the Art Institute of Chicago. I hated the Lightning Lunch and all the flair we had to wear. I'm much happier working for JPL :)

I had a great time living in Chicago and its really a beautiful (but cold) city. I would like to move back there one day but I am enjoying being close to my family here in Jacksonville.

Chicago rules!


I think for some people making lists/writing things down is an important tool for life long learners to use. I have found that post-it-notes are my best friends and writing reminders on my hand is much quicker and less girly than using that tying a ribbon around your finger thing, although I may or may not have ink poisoning at this point.
But seriously lists are the way to be and they are easy to make.